Sunday 3 May 2015

ILL3073M Negotiated Illustration

Textured brush tests
Adding levels and light to the areas of colour, making it less flat2

Adding colour to the tents 

ILL3073M Negotiated Illustration

ILL3073M Negotiated Illustration

A more green-blue sea so there is a different between the blues of the Witch banner

Inverting the leaves to white so the line is not too harsh on the green

Less leaf patterns and paper textures on the mid-banner trees

Removed ripper paper leaves - not so harsh, but still keeping the black lines

Sunday 26 April 2015

ILL3073M Negotiated Illustration

Warm yellows and oranges: SUN
Some natural greens for the mirror of life against the cruel winter

Combination of leaves, leaf pattern and ripped paper
Making Aslan's mane fuller